Banner image - Left side has the MYFest logo with words creative, caring, community, emergent and equitable. and #MYFest24 under the logo. The middle reads "MYFest 2024 June, July and August" and the right side has the Equity Unbound logo of a colorful world map with the words 'via equity unbound' under it.

MYFest 24 Schedule

MYFest 2024 schedule is emerging so the confirmed session times are posted on this schedule and we will continue to add more. Please check back for new sessions periodically. You can use the filter/advanced search right below to look for sessions under specific themes (labeled as categories) or month/date range.

"I’ve seen this, I love it"

"I’ve seen this, I love it"

Jennie Blake
Topics: MYFest2024
Sat 1 Jun 2024–Sat 31 Aug 2024
This will be a continuous lowkey way to capture the beautiful quotes, concepts and other ephemera we come across. You can share your favourite quotes of all time, or just drop in something you’ve seen on the day. It will be a spot to recharge and be inspired by amazing things others have found. At the end of MYFest, we could collectively create something from what we’ve discovered. Click on the name of the session to see the link to the Padlet.
Asynchronous - Wisdom of Fools: A Storytelling Project

Asynchronous - Wisdom of Fools: A Storytelling Project

Laura Gibbs, Jim Stauffer, Heather Kretschmer
Topics: MYFest2024
Sat 1 Jun 2024–Sat 31 Aug 2024
This is the Wisdom of Fools website: This is the asynchronous MYFest-long event. We will have a month of asynchronous activities and prompts in June, followed by a workshop in July when we can talk together about what we've learned and decide where we want to go next.
Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: Indigenous Students 3/3

Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: Indigenous Students 3/3

Tue 2 Jul 2024
16:00–17:00 UTC Your time: JavaScript Disabled JavaScript Disabled
"Indigenous students can have their learning especially impacted by trauma. Non-Indigenous teachers may not be aware of the effect their teaching approaches can have on Indigenous students. This interactive session intends to shine a light on ways to better support Indigenous learners. This session is part of a track but you can attend it on its own without attending the full track."
Skeptical Approaches to AI Research Tools

Skeptical Approaches to AI Research Tools

Tue 2 Jul 2024
17:00–18:00 UTC Your time: JavaScript Disabled JavaScript Disabled
In this interactive workshop will survey a range of AI-enabled research assistance apps that aim to help us find and analyze sources. We'll look at general-purpose ones like Perplexity, ChatGPT4o, and Gemini as well as apps geared to academic research such as Elicit, Consensus, Keenious, ResearchRabbit, SciSpace, Scite_, and Undermind. In what ways do they facilitate source retrieval and analysis, and how can they also mislead us? What does wise use of these tools look like?
Authenticity in Socially Just Distributed Care with Maha Bali & Mia Zamora: 2/2

Authenticity in Socially Just Distributed Care with Maha Bali & Mia Zamora: 2/2

Maha Bali, Mia Zamora
Topics: MYFest2024
Wed 3 Jul 2024
12:00–13:00 UTC Your time: JavaScript Disabled JavaScript Disabled
Join Maha Bali & Mia Zamora in deepening their equity/care research to integrate the importance of authenticity in Socially Just Distributed Care. We will invite you to share your own stories and reflections on our model, and hopefully incorporate some of your voice in our upcoming writing. Note: This session is part of a track but you can attend it on its own without attending the full track.
Reducing the stress of the day to day: ways and techniques to help you be more present and calm while achieving your goals

Reducing the stress of the day to day: ways and techniques to help you be more present and calm while achieving your goals

Nadine Aboulmagd
Topics: MYFest2024
Wed 3 Jul 2024
14:30–16:00 UTC Your time: JavaScript Disabled JavaScript Disabled
How many of us are stressed, frazzled, frequently overwhelmed and are going about every day in that state? I know! I see you and I feel you! Life is way too fast paced now. During this wellbeing session where we will dedicate an hour to our selves, we will start with discussing how you manage to get things done and achieve your goals/tasks now. Afterwards we will start to pinpoint specific techniques that would solve your own individual challenges, which we will call “friction points.” We will end with creating a system that works for you and that is kind, gratifying and enriching so you can try to reduce your day to day stress.
Playful Prompting: A Lighter Approach to AI

Playful Prompting: A Lighter Approach to AI

Wed 3 Jul 2024
17:00–19:00 UTC Your time: JavaScript Disabled JavaScript Disabled
How can we respond to the terror of AI? Laughter. Play. Let's explore the possibilities and pitfalls of this platform with playful activities to help you dream up uses of AI that expand your creativity.
Speculative Futures for Education: Session 1

Speculative Futures for Education: Session 1

Fri 5 Jul 2024
17:00–19:00 UTC Your time: JavaScript Disabled JavaScript Disabled
Session 1: Worlding the Future (90-120 minutes) Higher education globally is in a state of seemingly endless disruption and change. In this session, we will spend time examining our hopes and fears for the future of education, including, but not limited to, the impact of Generative AI. We will start with micro-storytelling activities to introduce speculation and help participants start thinking about the future. Then, in groups, we will collaboratively construct three future worlds: a world of hope, a world of despair, and a world of possibility, interweaving the good and bad.
Ally, Advocate and Activist — Moving Towards Collective Socially Just Care with Maha Bali & Mia Zamora: 2/3

Ally, Advocate and Activist — Moving Towards Collective Socially Just Care with Maha Bali & Mia Zamora: 2/3

Maha Bali, Mia Zamora
Topics: MYFest2024
Tue 9 Jul 2024
12:00–13:00 UTC Your time: JavaScript Disabled JavaScript Disabled
Join Maha Bali & Mia Zamora to explore the spectrum of a "socially just praxis" related to their current research. We will invite participants to reflect and share their own stories of acting as: Ally, Advocate and/or Activist. We will discuss and reflect together on how we can move towards "Collective Socially Just Care". Note: This session is part of a track but you can attend it on its own without attending the full track.
Postplagiarism: Academic Integrity, Equity, and Ethics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Neurotechnology

Postplagiarism: Academic Integrity, Equity, and Ethics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Neurotechnology

Tue 9 Jul 2024
14:00–15:00 UTC Your time: JavaScript Disabled JavaScript Disabled
In this session, Professor Sarah Elaine Eaton, looks at the ethical implications of advancements in artificial intelligence and neurotechnology for education. We will look at threats to human dignity and mental integrity, as well as how advanced technology can be used to catalyze equity, inclusion, accessibility, and learner agency. This is not a session about how to use specific tools, but rather how to think broadly about ethics of advanced technology for learning.
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