Welcome to day #25 of the Intentionally Equitable Hospitality (IEH) series for May 2024! How are you doing this Saturday? We hope you’ve had a great week and are having an awesome weekend! We are getting super excited for MYFest 24 and happy to see how beautifully the schedule is emerging…
Daily Facilitation Tip: Power dynamics from linguistic competence
Today’s video is by Francesca Helm, where she talks about how power dynamics can emerge in our facilitation/teaching and learning settings, especially in language learning, so being aware that these dynamics exist is the first step to being intentionally equitable. She also talks about not viewing diversity from a deficit perspective but rather seeing it as an enriching element. Watch/listen to learn more about her intentionally equitable facilitation tips!
Daily Optional Additional Materials
By Francesca: Language Portrait and Lost in Translation
One More Thing…
We are exactly a week away from MYFest 24. Check out the schedule, register if you haven’t already and we will see you there!
Do you have any questions or concerns? Email us at unboundeq@gmail.com
This post is part of the Intentionally Equitable Hospitality Series in May 2024, which includes daily emails (of the same content here) and three live sessions.