Welcome to day 9 of the Intentionally Equitable Hospitality (IEH) series for May 2024!
We are so happy we got the chance to meet those of you who could make it yesterday and super looking forward to meeting those who couldn’t make it to the live session.
Daily Facilitation Tip:
Today’s video is by Nadine Aboulmagd, our Equity Unbound Program Manager. She tells a story of an incident that happened to her and she reflects on it in light of being intentionally equitable and mindful in facilitation and beyond. She also shares a couple of important tips for designing accessible visual content, specifically accessible colors and fonts.
Daily Optional Additional Material
A Web Designer’s Guide to Accessible Fonts
Does and Dont’s of Designing with Accessibility
Daily Activity: Reflect – Here, There, Everywhere & Slides
Whether or not you came to yesterday’s session, we’ve been at this for 8 days now and we would love to hear/read your reflections on what you’ve learned so far. Here, There, Everywhere reflection is one way we are suggesting to structure your reflection. You can also do this reflection without structure or in the structure you prefer. If you’re willing to share your reflection with the group, please post them on the SPLOT.
For those who missed yesterday’s session, some of us took notes on the slides so take a look at those whenever you can, here they are https://bit.ly/May8IEH and below are a few of Theresa’s takeaways from the session.
Takeaways from the session:
- Faculty member gave a visually impaired student live audio descriptions during watching a movie in class, which was a lovely act of IEH.
- Lack of understanding , rather than lack of care, is often the reason for inaccessibility.
- Making space for everyone to share – giving everyone a voice – is always great IEH.
- Ebb and flow is a critical part of learning and centering ourselves. So it’s important to honor the cycles in ourselves and others and to design around our ebbs and flows.
- Everyone has invisible needs that we can’t see or hear about, also we need to be mindful of respecting needs as they arise.
- Inviting vulnerability and honoring the whole of participants.
One More Thing…
A quote that came out of the session is “invitation not obligation” – We want you to know that we are sending you several things each day, but please feel free to engage with whatever is interesting/feasible for you and brings you joy. You can always come back later to re-read, re-watch or re-engage, there is no need to feel like you need to “catch up”.
Also, if you haven’t had a chance to look at the community agreements or added your suggestions, there’s still time to do so.
Do you have any questions or concerns? Email us at unboundeq@gmail.com
Click here to see all the Daily Nourishing Reflections
This post is part of the Intentionally Equitable Hospitality Series in May 2024, which includes daily emails (of the same content here) and three live sessions. To register, please click below.