Banner image - Left side has the MYFest logo with words creative, caring, community, emergent and equitable. and #MYFest24 under the logo. The middle reads "MYFest 2024 June, July and August" and the right side has the Equity Unbound logo of a colorful world map with the words 'via equity unbound' under it.

Daily Nourishing Reflection #28: Pass the Hot Potato and Co-Create with Participants + While We Wait Activity Resource

Welcome to day #28 of the Intentionally Equitable Hospitality (IEH) series for May 2024! This message is coming to you a bit later today, but it’s only because we’ve been working hard at updating and designing the MYFest24 schedule. It’s always emerging, so make sure you check it out periodically.

Daily Facilitation Tip: “Pass the Hot Potato” and Co-create with Participants

Today’s video is by Jasmina Najjar, where she talks about giving participants the choice to share one of the following: a main key takeaway, something they found interesting, a muddy point or something they agree/disagree with. This helps everyone get the chance to participate. Another tip she shares is a “Co-creating Jam.” That helps create equitable and engaging learning experience. Watch/listen to learn more about her tips!

Daily Optional Additional Material

Activity: While We Wait

One More Thing…

MYFest 24 Starts THIS WEEKEND! We are super excited and really looking forward to seeing you there! Check out the schedule, mark your calendars for the sessions you’re interested to attend, and get ready for an awesome summer festival full of innovative, engaging and thought-provoking sessions. We also have a really cool mix of sessions for community building, joy and wellbeing! If you haven’t registered already and you’re interested to join us, go ahead and REGISTER HERE.

Do you have any questions or concerns? Email us at

This post is part of the Intentionally Equitable Hospitality Series in May 2024, which includes daily emails (of the same content here) and three live sessions.

Click here to see all the Daily Nourishing Reflections

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