Banner image - Left side has the MYFest logo with words creative, caring, community, emergent and equitable. and #MYFest24 under the logo. The middle reads "MYFest 2024 June, July and August" and the right side has the Equity Unbound logo of a colorful world map with the words 'via equity unbound' under it.

MYFest 24 Schedule

MYFest 2024 schedule is emerging so the confirmed session times are posted on this schedule and we will continue to add more. Please check back for new sessions periodically. You can use the filter/advanced search right below to look for sessions under specific themes (labeled as categories) or month/date range.

MYfest logo: A spiraling grid of pink and purple and blue.

Guided Gratitude Meditation

Nadine Aboulmagd
Topics: MYFest2024
Wed 7 Aug 2024
15:00–16:00 UTC Your time: JavaScript Disabled JavaScript Disabled
This session will start with a short intro about the different forms of meditation and a reflection on which type resonates most with you. You will also get to hear some tips and tricks for how to incorporate a meditation practice in your life, to the degree that you want/need. We will then of course meditate together. You will be guided through a gratitude meditation. Come and join us for a self case, wellbeing and joyful hour that you dedicate to your self. You can bring your family with you.
Healing/Compassion Circles (3)

Healing/Compassion Circles (3)

Theresa Destrebecq
Topics: MYFest2024
Thu 8 Aug 2024
13:00–14:30 UTC Your time: JavaScript Disabled JavaScript Disabled
Healing circles are a means for people to come together for meaningful connection through deep listening and compassion. Using poetry, and other forms of creative expression, healing circles invite participants to move out of intellectual consciousness into emotional consciousness, connecting more deeply with what’s in their hearts as well as their minds. Spaces are limited so separate registration is required. Please click on the session name to find the link of the registration form.
AI in Audio and Podcasting: What’s Been Done, What’s Being Done and What You Can Do!

AI in Audio and Podcasting: What’s Been Done, What’s Being Done and What You Can Do!

Tue 20 Aug 2024
14:00–15:00 UTC Your time: JavaScript Disabled JavaScript Disabled
This 1-hour workshop will address how AI has been used for audio deep fakes, but can you identify one if you heard it? Meanwhile, like all areas of generative AI, the audio field is exploding with options. We’ll survey the AI for audio and podcasting toolbox and we’ll play around with some of those tools.
MYfest logo: A spiraling grid of pink and purple and blue.

Entangled with AI: Tracing your Agency (Repeat)

Tim Fawns, Anne-Marie Scott
Wed 28 Aug 2024
08:00–09:00 UTC Your time: JavaScript Disabled JavaScript Disabled
In this session, we will explore the current AI moment with participants from an entangled pedagogy perspective. We begin by sharing how this moment might [...]
MYfest logo: A spiraling grid of pink and purple and blue.

AI Pedagogy Project Panel

Sarah Newman, Maha Bali
Topics: MYFest2024
Sat 31 Aug 2024
TBA Date and Time to be confirmed
MYfest logo: A spiraling grid of pink and purple and blue.

HE4Good Book Circles (3–4 sessions)

Catherine Cronin, Laura Czerniewicz
Topics: MYFest2024
Sat 31 Aug 2024
MYfest logo: A spiraling grid of pink and purple and blue.

Human-Centered Teaching and Learning in Dangerous Times

Kai Foster
Topics: MYFest2024
Sat 31 Aug 2024
Date and Time to be confirmed This offering would be specifically for individuals who are working in countries/states within which legislation has been passed that limits or prohibits content related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. It will not be recorded and priority will be placed on holding space for folks to voice their feelings, thoughts, hopes, and transformative ideas given constraints which make otherwise unsafe to do so in other spaces.
Students as Partners in Experiential Learning (and Liberatory Scholarship)

Students as Partners in Experiential Learning (and Liberatory Scholarship)

Heather M. Wright, Jennie Blake
Topics: MYFest2024
Sat 31 Aug 2024
Date and Time to be confirmed This series will begin with a workshop, followed by three sessions will involve discussion, brainstorming, writing, and guest visits from leaders in Students as Partners pedagogy and research, and guest visits from students who are partners in pedagogy and research.
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