Banner image - Left side has the MYFest logo with words creative, caring, community, emergent and equitable. and #MYFest24 under the logo. The middle reads "MYFest 2024 June, July and August" and the right side has the Equity Unbound logo of a colorful world map with the words 'via equity unbound' under it.

Daily Nourishing Reflection #11: Structure Over Content & Facilitation Challenges Activity Responses. Also, MUSIC!

Welcome to day 11 of the Intentionally Equitable Hospitality (IEH) series for May 2024! Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend so far. We are really looking forward to our next session on Monday! Are you?

Daily Facilitation Tip: Prioritize Structure over Content

Today’s video is by Bonni Stachowiak, where she talks about privileging structure over rigorous and prescribed content, such as Liberating Structures, which is a structure we love and use a lot in this group. She also talks about how there are many ways for participants and learners to contribute to the learning experience and suggests that we ask curious questions and embrace silence. You’ll really enjoy watching/listening to this!

Daily Optional Additional Material

About liberating structures:

OneHE demo of liberating structures

Also, check out Bonni’s podcast:

Daily Activity 1: Do you also face any of your peers’ facilitation challenges?

Remember when we asked you to share your facilitation challenges with us yesterday through this Challenges Activity Padlet? If you haven’t already posted yours, go for it. If you have posted yours, please go in the padlet again and upvote/like the ones you have also faced or ones you are also curious about. This will help us prioritize (hopefully we’ll go through all of them) the ones to discuss during the session on Monday, where we will talk about how we intentionally adapt when a challenge comes up.

Daily Activity 2: Music Padlet!

We know that music is a really important aspect of Bonni’s life, so today’s activity is a Music Padlet for you to post your favorite music and share how you use music in facilitation.

One More Thing…

I wanted to highlight a lovely reflection by Sherri, one of our IEH participants, that she posted on the SPLOT. I loved what she said about imperfection being allowed and accepted. I often feel that when that’s the case, it allows me to show up as my best self because I’m not “required” to be a certain way or do a certain “acceptable amount” of work and that’s so nicely inclusive and beautiful, which in turn makes me super engaged. This is one of the main things we focus on at IEH. Would you agree that’s your experience as well?

Do you have any questions or concerns? Email us at

Click here to see all the Daily Nourishing Reflections

This post is part of the Intentionally Equitable Hospitality Series in May 2024, which includes daily emails (of the same content here) and three live sessions. To register, please click below.

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