Banner image - Left side has the MYFest logo with words creative, caring, community, emergent and equitable. and #MYFest24 under the logo. The middle reads "MYFest 2024 June, July and August" and the right side has the Equity Unbound logo of a colorful world map with the words 'via equity unbound' under it.

Working Effectively with People & Institutions That Are Resistant to Change (Workshop)

Working Effectively with People & Institutions That Are Resistant to Change (Workshop)


Wed 19 Jun 2024    
14:00–15:00 UTC Your time: JavaScript Disabled JavaScript Disabled


Katherine Yngve

Themes & Topics

Topics: MYFest2024

This hour-long interactive workshop will introduce 3 approaches to working effectively with change-resistors & work through a case study together, with plenty of time for reflection and sharing. Outcome: lowered frustration for trainers and aspiring change-makers.

Session Resources
