Banner image - Left side has the MYFest logo with words creative, caring, community, emergent and equitable. and #MYFest24 under the logo. The middle reads "MYFest 2024 June, July and August" and the right side has the Equity Unbound logo of a colorful world map with the words 'via equity unbound' under it.

Healing/Compassion Circles (3)

Healing/Compassion Circles (3)


Thu 8 Aug 2024    
13:00–14:30 UTC Your time: JavaScript Disabled JavaScript Disabled


Theresa Destrebecq

Themes & Topics

Topics: MYFest2024

Healing circles are a means for people to come together for meaningful connection through deep listening and compassion. Using poetry, and other forms of creative expression, healing circles invite participants to move out of intellectual consciousness into emotional consciousness, connecting more deeply with what’s in their hearts as well as their minds.

All healing circles are guided by these agreements:
We treat each other with kindness and respect.
We listen with compassion and curiosity.
We honor each other’s unique ways to healing and don’t presume to advise, fix, or save one another.
We hold all stories shared in the circle confidential.
We trust that each of us has the guidance we need within us, and we rely on the power of silence to access it.

Separate Registration Required
Please click the link below to fill out the registration form for the Healing/Compassion Circles e/1FAIpQLScDp_6hq5Yf9S7rvpv1ChaSOO0vGoGTKv-8W4HWNrjRPZu9Xg/viewform?usp=sharing
